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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 Reasons Why Kathryn Bigelow Should Win An Oscar

1) She'll be the first woman director to ever do so.

2) It would be a well deserved kick up James "I'm The King Of The World" Cameron's great big egotistical behind.

3) James "I'm The King Of The World" Cameron is her ex husband...

4) ...and he makes really contrived, stupid speeches. That whole line in Navi at the Golden Globes was pure rubbish.

5) The Hurt Locker is AMAZING.

6) Avatar SUCKS.

7) She has never done a chick flick.

8) Everybody of a certain age knows who Johnny Utah and Bodhi are.

9) Would you believe she's 59 years old?? At the time of filming Hurt Locker, she was trekking up sand dunes and making her 99% male cast and crew look bad.

10) She's smart, beautiful, daring and creative... what's not to like?

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